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Here is what you will learn by watching this video;
Ultimately, your internal dialog, or ‘psychology’ which in turn shapes your belief system, will determine your level of success or failure, not only in ‘Property Investing’ but in life in general.
That’s why if you ever have an opportunity to speak to the most successful property investors, they will tell you that ‘Psychology’ is 80 per cent of achieving success, and the other 20 per cent is the strategy, or what I refer to as ‘Specialized Knowledge’.
Successful investors have become aware that they have a host of negative fixed concepts or beliefs that they need to replace with new ‘empowering beliefs’. If left unchecked, negative concepts attract more negative concepts and beliefs, ‘like attract like’, and hence the negativity, and feeling of disempowerment can spiral out of control.
You will either create new belief and thoughts in your ‘Conscious Mind’ or you will accept thoughts or ideas from an outside source. Either way you will then impress the image of these thoughts onto your ‘Subconscious Mind’ creating your reality and guiding your behavior, in turn determining your level of wealth and success.
From my personal experience of interacting with many ultra-successful property investors over the years I have observed that they all share a lot of common traits, in terms of their approach to investing and property finance.
Most successful property investors instinctively know that building and structuring a multi-million-dollar property portfolio that will eventually free you from work is based on a specific process much like a winning recipe for baking a cake.
When you want to bake a cake, you locate that special recipe you want to prepare. Then it’s a simple matter of sourcing quality ingredients, adding them in the correct sequence, and following the rest of the directions until you arrive at the finished product. The key is, to make sure that you get quality ingredients, in the correct order, or your cake will not be a success.
Here is a list of the 4 critical ingredients of building a large property portfolio;
1. Cultivating the right investor PSYCHOLOGY
2. Developing the right PLAN and SYSTEM
3. Developing a team of EXPERTS around you, and
Building wealth through property is basically the same. The key is to conduct research, find out how other successful property investors have built and structured their property portfolios, who and what they have sourced, how they have made their money work for them, and for you to do the same.
Once you have found the winning recipe or plan that has worked for other successful investors, then it becomes a simple matter of repeating the process until you have built and structured your investment property portfolio correctly yourself.
Hope you enjoy the video!
Don’t miss out, CLICK HERE to get up to date video education from Konrad Bobilak.
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